A woman is using a computer to monitor her doctor through a healthcare plan for brokers.

Value-Driven Health Plans For Brokers

Discover the benefits of high-engagement health plans resulting in lower costs for employers and groups. 


What are Value-Drive Health Plans?

Value-Driven Health Plan services – VDHPs – are a transparent way to determine the price of service by reimbursing providers based on the value and quality of care they provide. Our pricing methodology uses Medicare+ and Cost+ information to determine a fair and reasonable price for medical services.

As a broker, you understand the importance of providing access to healthcare. Our unique approach enables low cost, high engagement plan design that can stand alone or in combination with a physician network. The plan design is member powered and provider friendly, and best of all, effective.

Discover how our pricing methodology will produce positive outcomes for employers and their employees.

Four business people in an office reviewing value-driven health plans for brokers.
Acceptance rate with providers
0 %
Average savings on medical claims
0 %
Average savings per member
$ 20000
A group of people in an office reviewing health plans on a laptop.


Modernize Your Offerings

Elevate your brokerage with our Value-Driven Health Plan solution seamlessly integrated into your portfolio. Our success in helping employers control healthcare costs is high provider acceptance of the plan’s reimbursement. This is why our unique approach engages with providers throughout the healthcare process.

Group Health Plans Tailored To Employers

Take The Next Step

Let us help you get started today.

Frequently Asked Questions

Value-Driven Health Plan services (VDHPs) establish prices for the services offered by providers under a health plan. Plan services work by reimbursing providers based on the value and quality of care. This process is fully transparent and based on Medicare and Cost+ so the end result is a price that is fair to both the facility and the patient.

No, VDHP pricing only applies to facility claims such as hospitals, surgery centers, outpatient facilities, and dialysis. Unless specified by your PPO Plan, physician claims will still be priced based on your PPO network.

We're always checking to make sure providers are charging you a fair price for your medical services and not billing you for anything above your patient responsibility.

Yes, providers are required to file their costs and pricing information with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and comply with numerous state pricing transparency requirements

The Freshour Group

Get in Touch

For questions, quotes, or a more complete overview of our strategic health plan solution or to discuss strategy about a particular group, please contact us today.